PRA Consult on Regulatory Changes: CP7/22


The PRA have today issued Consultation Paper 7/22 on their proposed changes to the regulatory rules for Credit Unions.

New Products

As previously, Parliament is considering a draft bill regarding proposed new legislation for Credit Unions. The new legislation if passed would allow Credit Unions to offer new services such as hire purchase. The PRA Consultation Paper sets out how the regulator would deal with these new services. 

Additional Activities

Currently, mortgages, longer term investments, larger loans and transactional accounts fall within the definition of additional activities. Credit Unions offering these activities are subject to the requirements of CUP10.3 and are required to monitor the ratios set out in SS2/16. The PRA plan to add corporate lending and the provision of consumer credit (including hire purchase, conditional sale agreements and credit cards) to the list of additional activities (some of these activities will be subject to the new legislation being passed).


The PRA is proposing increasing the list of allowable investments. This would apply to Credit Unions carrying out the additional activity of longer term investments (CUP 6.4). The new investments they are proposing to allow include corporate bonds, UCITS, qualifying money market funds and supranational bonds. The consultation paper also sets out a number of restrictions in terms of these new investments, including the requirement for Credit Unions to perform basic liquidity stress testing.

Credit Unions with over £10million in assets will also need to meet investment requirements including having no more than 75% of the Credit Union’s capital invested with a single counterparty.

Supervisory Statement

The PRA have proposed a new Supervisory Statement that will replace SS2/16. Some of the proposed changes to SS2/16 include:

  • Additional requirements in terms of liquidity management
  • Cases where additional capital would be required
  • Credit Unions offering mortgages will be expected to consider relevant sections of SS20/15
  • Credit Unions with over £100m in assets will be expected to consider the steps and resources needed to wind down and achieve a transfer of engagements in an orderly manner.
  • Further considerations for Credit Unions offering additional services
  • Expectations around operational risk management
  • Clarification on business plan, governance, internal audit and risk management requirements.
A lot of the proposed changes will be through the new Supervisory Statement and it is important that Credit Unions carefully consider the proposals related to this document.

Further Information

At the date of this article, the proposals are at consultation stage. The consultation closes on 21 December 2022 and can be found by clicking here.