GDPR Support

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) are now in force. The regulations bring about significant changes to the data protection rules within the UK. The regulations will effect how you collect, process and store data. With the range of personal data that Credit Unions collect and store the legislation will have a major impact on how Credit Unions operate.  The punishment for failure to comply can be significant with the ICO able to raise major fines.  The articles below provide further information on the new requirements. It is therefore important that you ensure that you are up to date with the new requirements and have the appropriate policies and systems in place.

How we can help


We can carry out a review of your compliance. Our report will highlight areas for improvement and provide guidance to help you implement the rules. Under the new legislation you are required to demonstrate compliance and this is one of the ways you can meet this requirement.

Credit Union Business Planning


We have provided training on GDPR for Credit Union Board and staff. Our training is tailored to the Credit Union and focuses on key areas for Credit Unions to watch out for.

GDPR Toolkit

Click the icon above for more information on our GDPR Toolkit.

GDPR & Data Protection articles

Steven Cunningham

Sensitive Data

We just wanted to highlighted a couple of data collection and processing issues some Credit Unions have experienced. Sensitive Data Credit Unions may collect sensitive

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Preparing for Brexit

Brexit is fast approaching. No one knows what will happen or all the implications but some planning points to consider are set out below: Data

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Retention Periods

With the introduction of GDPR there has been many Credit Unions raising questions as to how long documents should be kept.  The general requirement under

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